Balmoral Tanks’ technical services teams place the highest priority on health and safety. Full and comprehensive risk assessment and method statement documentation is carried out and completed with personnel certification being issued to the customer.
Technicians are fully trained to ensure all works are carried out safely and in compliance with current legislative standards. They hold full accreditation and have many years of experience in tank installation and technical services. Tank owners and operators can have 100% confidence in the company’s technical and practical capabilities.
SMSTS Site Management Safety Training Scheme
CPCS Construction Plant Competence Scheme
CSCS Construction Skills Certification Scheme
CCNSG Client/Contractor National Safety Group
IPAF International Powered Access Federation
PASMA Prefabricated Access Supply & Manufacture Association
CITB Confined Space Trained
All waste is assessed for environmental impact prior to disposal and only Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales recognised disposal agents are used for waste removal. Balmoral ensures that all waste is traceable to site of disposal.Balmoral Tanks Ltd
A Balmoral Group company
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Reg No. SC300656