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We are pleased to introduce grotanQ® our epoxy coated liquid fertiliser storage tank

As a design, manufacture and installation specialist, Balmoral has been widely involved in the liquid storage solutions market for over 40 years. Our knowledge and understanding of the applicable approval authorities ensures our products are delivered in accordance with all current standards.

Cutting edge grotanQ technology for liquid fertiliser tanks

  • Efusion 1500 epoxy coating
  • Epoxy painted concrete floor which comes with a holiday test on completion to ensure full coating coverage
  • Tanks supplied with a choice of GRP or fixed steel covers
  • Eurocode or AWWA designs to suit client requirements
  • Full material traceability through internal manufacturing processes, from steel procurement to finished product
  • 3D engineering drawings for each project
  • Tanks provided on a supply only or supply and installation basis
  • Fully supported by Balmoral Tanks’ product warranty scheme
grotanq 3D tank render from autodesk
Contact us now for expert technical advice on liquid fertiliser storage tanks

Balmoral Tanks Ltd
A Balmoral Group company
Contact us | Locations
Reg No. SC300656
