A guide to successfully specifying AD storage tank solutions
This white paper describes the key areas to be considered when selecting a storage tank manufacturer for an AnaerobicDigestion (AD) project. This process is not merely about choosing a tank; such a decision requires consideration of supply chainperformance, health & safety credentials and financial security.
As the global AD markets open up and make a significant contribution to renewable energy targets there are opportunities formanufacturing companies to establish sustainable working relationships that will contribute positively to business growth inthe years ahead.
The process of realising and maximising that potential, however, can be a long and arduous journey which requires apartnership approach between the customer and supply chain. The AD sector is unique in its demands on the supply chain witha great deal of front-end work required to establish the most efficient and cost effective solutions. Very often, the work that iscarried out prior to the construction process can make or break the realisation of an AD project.